Ottawa Slander Lawyers

Spoken words have considerable power. With today's technology, they can spread quickly and potentially lead to serious implications if they contain slander or defamatory statements. According to Canadian law, slander refers to the oral communication of false statements that harm an individual's reputation.  

At Francis Lawyers, we understand the challenges and implications surrounding slander cases. If you've been accused of slander or are suffering the repercussions of false statements made against you, it's important to contact an experienced lawyer who can help you explore your recovery options. 

Located in Ottawa, Canada, our firm serves clients throughout the Ottawa area including Gatineau, Chelsea, Dunrobin, Kinburn, Arnprior, Munster, Kempville, Ficko, Edward, and Cumberland Ward. We also serve clients in the Toronto area. Reach out today to schedule a consultation. 

Understanding Slander 

Slander falls under the larger umbrella of defamation along with libel (written defamation). For a statement to qualify as slander, certain conditions must be met: 

  • It must be spoken 

  • It must refer to a specific person or entity 

  • It must be false 

  • It must cause damage to the person's reputation 

The burden of proof often lies with the claimant to show that the statements were not only harmful but also untrue. Our team at Francis Lawyers is committed to helping you understand the nuances of slander law and the options available to you. 

How Can Our Firm Help? 

At Francis Lawyers, our attorneys possess extensive knowledge of Canadian slander law, which enables us to provide robust representation to our clients throughout Ottawa and the surrounding areas. We recognize that every case is unique, and we strive to employ a proactive approach that includes the following: 

  1. Initial consultation: We offer an opportunity to discuss the details surrounding the slanderous statement, helping us evaluate your case's merits and the potential legal paths forward. 

  1. Customized legal strategy: Our team understands that each case requires a tailored approach. We strive to work diligently to help you develop a strategy that aligns with your specific needs and objectives, whether you’re defending against a slander allegation or pursuing action against damaging comments. 

  1. Experienced legal representation: Our experienced team will advocate for you during negotiations and in court, if needed, and utilize our knowledge to protect your rights and help you seek a just resolution. 

  1. Ongoing guidance and support: Maintaining open communication with our clients is a priority. We strive to keep you informed and engaged throughout your case, addressing your questions and concerns at every stage. 

Dealing with Slander?

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How to File a Slander Claim

If you or your organization have been impacted by slander, it's important to seek recourse as soon as possible. While the process of filing a slander claim can often be complex, there are certain steps you should take, which typically include: 

  1. Gathering evidence: Collect relevant evidence to substantiate your claim. This includes gathering witness statements, audio recordings, and any corresponding communications that support your assertion of defamation. 

  1. Evaluating the slander statement: With the help of your lawyer, assess the spoken words to determine if they meet the criteria for slander. Some factors you should consider include the accuracy of the statement and its impact on your reputation. 

  1. Filing a claim: If the statement qualifies as slander, file a statement of claim in the appropriate court. In Ontario, similar to libel cases, this is usually under the jurisdiction of the Superior Court of Justice. 

  1. Exploring mediation and negotiation: Before proceeding to trial, explore any available resolution options like mediation or settlement negotiations. These avenues can often yield faster and less contentious outcomes. 

  1. Proceeding to trial: If you're unable to reach a resolution, your slander case will likely move to trial. It's important to consult with an experienced defamation lawyer, like those at Francis Lawyers, who can help you pursue the outcome you deserve. 

Defending Against Slander Claims

There may be occasions where you find yourself facing a slander accusation. However, rest assured, there are legal avenues available for your defence. The common strategies for defending against slander are similar to libel and typically include: 

  • Truth as a defence: Establishing that the statement in question is true can serve as a solid defence against slander claims. 

  • Fair comment: If the statement can be identified as a fair opinion grounded in true facts, this may also be asserted as a defence. 

  • Privilege: Certain communications may be protected under Canadian law, allowing for a defence against defamation claims. 

Potential Compensation for a Slander Case

Damages awarded in a slander case can vary significantly based on factors such as the extent of the harm inflicted, the audience exposed to the statement, and previous damage to reputation. However, the three primary types of damages often include:  

  • General damages: These are non-monetary losses caused by slander, such as harm to reputation and emotional distress. 

  • Special damages: This type of compensation covers any financial loss resulting directly from the defamatory statement, such as a loss of income or a loss of business opportunities. 

  • Punitive damages: In rare instances, a court may award punitive damages to punish the defendant for their actions. These awards are usually reserved for extreme cases where there was malice or intentional damage inflicted through slander. 

When pursuing damages for slander, it's advisable to consult with an experienced civil litigation lawyer who can provide a tailored assessment of potential damages you may be eligible to receive. 

Slander FAQ

Can slanderous statements on social media lead to legal action? 

Yes, statements made on social media can be slanderous and can carry legal consequences. However, this only pertains to spoken comments, not written comments (libel). If you believe you have a case, gathering evidence and seeking legal counsel promptly is essential. 

How long do I have to file a slander claim? 

In Ontario, the statute of limitations for filing a slander claim is generally two years from the date the statement was made. However, exceptions may apply, so collaborating with a lawyer as soon as you detect the slander is crucial.  

Who can pursue a slander claim? 

Anyone can pursue a slander claim regardless of their status. This includes individuals, organizations, and businesses. However, the process of proving slander may vary based on the plaintiff's status. 

For example, the burden of proof may be higher for a public figure or celebrity since there is often more leeway for criticism and commentary about individuals in the public eye. Regardless, it's essential to seek legal advice to assess your specific situation. 

Slander Lawyer Serving Ottawa, Canada

At Francis Lawyers, we are dedicated to providing our clients with skilled legal services relating to slander in Ottawa. Whether you need to defend against unfounded claims or seek damages for harmful statements, our team is here to support you throughout the legal process.  

Our commitment to understanding Canadian law, combined with our extensive experience, positions us to advocate vigorously for your rights and help you protect your reputation. Contact us today for a consultation.